Wednesday 9 November 2011

The mystery explained: #111!

Ahoy, me hearties! We be supposin' all ye lads an' lassies be well currrious about what this scurvy EPC might be that be poppin' up rrregularrrly on this here website? Well, shiver me timbers if we won't soon be tellin' all ye lily-livered landlubbers and squiffy scallywags!

Okay, there might still be 315 days to go until the next Talk like a pirate day (19 September) but you'll see soon enough that we have good reason to address you in pirate fashion just now. Indeed, as I just mentioned, you are perhaps a bit curious about the enigmatic EPC and EPC (2) posts that surfaced a while ago and which both featured a reference to pirates? Obviously they were meant to be 'teasers' (we even added a label saying just that - yes that was very subtle), but what were they supposed to be teasing?

Well, today's post aims to clarify a couple of things.

First of all, EPC stands for episode 100 or C in Roman numerals. Indeed, even we were surprised to see that Fred and Fred's 100th blogpost is quickly approaching! Obviously, this needs to be celebrated and we will, but we wouldn't be Fred and Fred if we did it in the 100th blogpost itself. Nay, for starters, the number 100 is much too boring...

However, keep your eyes peeled for blogpost #111 or number eleventy-one! Indeed, blogpost #111 - at the current rate, to be posted somewhere at the end of November - will be something quite special. We will celebrate our eleventy-first blog in good style (yes there will be champagne) and we will tell you all about how Fred and Fred started. And that tale, dear friends, involves a story about pirates! However, we won't just yet reveal exactly how we plan to tell that story. You'll just have to come and see!

So there you have it! Pirates equal 111 equals a big suprise on Fred and Fred. And rest assured, you won't be disappointed. However, if you need any more incentive, what about this? The first person to add a comment to blogpost #111 will receive a very special Fred and Fred gift!

So look out for #111! We sure can't wait!

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