Friday 21 October 2011

Pod-heads (3)

[Press play before reading]

The day before yesterday I got a late birthday gift (thank you, N!) and was lucky enough to see Leslie Feist perform her new album at a gig in Brussels.

Unlike most newspapers, who thought the show was charming but a bit sloppy, I was completely blown away. I don’t care if the guitar was rudimentary or the drum section savage, any performer who can get two nineteen-year olds to slow dance on stage and have two thousand people revel in the syrupy awkwardness of the moment, played a great concert.

But perhaps the main reason I enjoyed the show so much, was that Feist played many songs from her new album Metals. After hearing them for the first time on Tuesday and listening to them over and over again on my iPod, I’ve had non-stop goose bumps.


You know how certain songs remind you of something? How the intro of an old track can take you right back to some special time in the past? And make you happy because you remember the smells, the sounds, and life as it was then?

Well, it’s strange to say, but when I listen to songs like the one playing, I have the same feeling. It feels like I have known songs like Anti-Pioneer or Graveyard for years, like they’re already full of fond memories that put a smile on your face, no matter what.

Only these are not memories of past happiness. They’re memories of hope and the fantastic future.

Get it right. You bet I will, Leslie.

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